Five Ways to Drink Thomson & Scott Skinny Sparkling Wine this Halloween

Five Ways to Drink Thomson & Scott Skinny Sparkling Wine this Halloween

It doesn’t take long to scare up a Halloween-themed party. If you’re expecting trick or treaters don’t forget the adults in the party with some Thomson & Scott Skinny Champagne and Skinny Prosecco goodies. We say “boo” to sugar, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a cocktail, canapé or chilled glass of something sparkling. Drink up, witches!

1. Pimped pumpkin wine chiller

Use a hollowed-out pumpkin as a wine chiller. There is genuinely no more effective table centrepiece for fright-night, and you can use the leftover pumpkin flesh to make canapes. Cut the pumpkin into cubes and roast with pumpkin seed oil and a sprinkling of cumin seeds until golden. Top with half a teaspoon of goat’s cheese (or smoked tofu for a vegan treat) and eat with all that chilled Skinny Prosecco or Skinny Champagne Grand Cru.

2. Emergency Spider Ice Cubes

Make spider ‘emergency icecubes’. These takes seconds to create and makes drinks ghoulish. Simply add your (plastic – we aren’t the Addams Family) spiders to ice cube trays, add water, freeze and use to fill your pumpkin ice bucket. Or pop into glasses if you’ve forgotten to chill your Skinny Prosecco or Skinny Champagne Grand Cru!

3. Blood Oranges for that GORE-geous finishing touch

Blood oranges turn Skinny Prosecco and Skinny Champagne Grand Cru gloriously pumpkin-coloured, and make delicious healthy hedonism bucks fizz (or as they call them in the US, mimosa) cocktails.

4. What cotton wool was made for…

Drape your Skinny Prosecco or Skinny Champagne bottles with skeins of cotton wool. Add a few plastic spiders to the mix and you’ve a cobwebby way of keeping the chilled drink cool for longer. Frightening!

5. You raaang?!

Put on a dinner jacket or cocktail dress so that when you answer the door to trick or treaters, you look the part. Don’t smile. Don’t make eye contact. Disdainfully drop any treats into the tricker’s bag. If you don’t think it will ruin your stylish sipping, wear a pair of plastic vampire fangs.