We Celebrate Big Dick Energy

We Celebrate Big Dick Energy

Big Dick Energy. It’s like being cool. If you think you are you probably aren’t. Or, more accurately, if you have to ask yourself if you have BDE then, hate to break it to you, you don’t.

This Twitter meme was spawned by @imbobswaget’s ode to late chef Anthony Bourdain: “We’re talking about how Anthony Bourdain had big dick energy, which is what he would have wanted”.

The meme then went viral after a little bit of confusion when Ariana Grande replied to a fan asking how long her new single and ode to even newer fiancé, actor and comedian Pete Davidson with something along the lines of, “About 10 inches… Oh, about a minute.”

Grande’s confusion, accidental or not, has become a rallying cry for charisma and self-confidence. It’s not bragging or showing off – no one with BDE owns a blood red Ferrari or has so many hair extensions they’d give even a Disney princess a headache. Instead this ease with yourself is like a halo of happiness that’s best personified by Gareth Southgate’s grey waistcoat. And definitely, most definitely, the swagger and innate talent shown by Rihanna, Adele, Grace Jones and Kate Bush.

It’s the opposite of those plastic-enhanced lips and other body parts on Love Island. If your self-esteem needs silicon you don’t have BDE, simples. If you can go to a party dressed as a Seventies pop star because you thought the theme was Disco, and make every other person at the party wish they were dressed up, you’ve got BDE. And you’ve also got BDE if you’re the party goer who makes the girl in the Donna Summer sparkly white catsuit feel that she’s the one wearing the right outfit.

In sparkling wine terms, BDE is for that guy or girl who enjoys pints as much as they love Prosecco. Who always get the round in. Who clears up the glasses when the party ends. And who is quite happy not to drink, without making a thing about it, if alcopops and neon-looking cocktails are all that’s on offer.

Someone’s got to drive people home, right? But not in a red Ferrari.

Published: 12/07/2018