"Front of The Times No Less. Noughty Gets National Press Thumbs Up!" - Amanda Thomson, CEO and Founder

The “old school” media is also the new media in the sense that newspapers are also online and on digital media. And a talented fellow founder alerted me to my train reading today - see below - via Apple News so it’s all one and the same buzz.

“Best no-alcohol ‘Champagne’”actually made the cover!

It’s really special to be a part of the mainstream wine conversation now with Noughty.

Who would have thought that after launching the first bottle in 2019 we would be front centre stage of The Times?

Why does it matter to be in the press anymore when it’s arguably Social Media that so many eyeballs are on?

Well, for me, it’s all about the big picture and reaching a mainstream audience so wherever we’re featured we’re delighted… whether it’s wine critics… lifestyle journalists… our brilliant daily clients… it all matters to us greatly.

Everything that brings us closer to being that household name, that quality non-alcoholic wine bottle that we all turn to is especially exciting for us, so a huge thank you to The Times today.

It’s so important that we’re here and part of the every day wine conversation now because so many drinkers now are just like me, as a wine lover.

The modern term is zebra drinking. I might have one glass of fine wine and then I’ll move to Noughty. Many nights, I might just drink Noughty but it shouldn’t be either/or - our focus is alongside/as well as.

The Times says of Noughty - "This fizz is 100% dealcoholised Chardonnay with sugar and I was excited to try it. Partly because it is served at Bob Bob Ricard, famous for its “Press for Champagne” buttons.  Very light in colour… it does taste like sparkling wine and a rather nice one at that."